About Bike D
AKA Darren
Darren has been involved with bikes for as long as he can remember, and the passion hasn't dwindled with time- in fact quite the opposite! He is well known amongst friends and family as the 'man to go to' for anything bike related be it fixing a problem, making an adjustment, a complete service or simply advice.
So passionate about bikes he retired from teaching to follow this dream and he spent 5 years working as a bike mechanic in Buckinghamshire at Otec bikes which in turn led to him setting up BikeD to bring the service to you. Qualified Cytech mechanic and now Cytech trainer this gives you confidence your bike is in good hands. When not fixing bikes, he's usually either riding them, cleaning them, polishing them, reading about them or watching them on TV or training his daughter to be a future Olympic mountain bike champion........one has to be optimistic!!!
“Darren is a top bloke and is my go to for anything bike related”